Top 5 Yoga Breathing Techniques to Boost Your Energy Levels

Editor: Kirandeep Kaur on Nov 12,2024


Yogic practice is not only restricted to physical postures. It is equally associated with the way we breathe. A part of yogic practice, breathwork, or pranayama (the practice of breath control in yoga), is a very important instrument in developing mental clearness, emotional equilibrium, and energy levels. The right type of breathing could help invigorate one's body, reduce stress, and heighten vitality, and thus yoga is considered effective for increasing energy and improving overall well-being.

When you are exhausted, feeling extremely dull or mentally drained most of the time, practice some specific yoga breathing exercises to regain energy and wakefulness. It is like connecting the body with the natural rhythm and improving oxygen flow while cleansing the mind, thus bringing energy.

We will see below the top five yoga breathing techniques that can help energize the body, refocus, and raise your general vitality in the following blog:

1. Kapalbhati: Skull Shining Breath

Kapalbhati, also called skull skull-shining breath, is one of the yogic breathing practices that directly gives a high amount of energy within seconds. The origin of this name, "Kapalbhati," comes from two Sanskrit words: Kapal - skull, and Bhati - shining or light. It clears the mind and refreshes the body, allowing the free flow of the energies.

How to Practice Kapalbhati:

1. Sit comfortably in any pose that you can: either Sukhasana (easy pose) or Padmasana (lotus pose), with the spine erect.

2. Close your eyes, breathing slowly and deeply through your nostrils.

3. Now breathe vigorously and quickly out through the nostrils while contracting the abdominal muscles, pushing the air out, and the inhalations will occur because of the exhalations.

4. End with a fast pace, aiming for 30-40 breaths in a round, and rest a few moments after completing each round

5. Increase the duration and intensity, which you should increase with as much comfort with the technique.

Benefits of Kapalbhati for Energy

  • It helps improve and enhance your oxygen intake and can circulate a lot of energy that an individual can gain from the blood to wake up or keep awake.
  • Cleaning up blocked energy channels will make you feel mentally clear and focused.
  • It helps in digesting and slowly cleans the body system. So you feel refreshed and revitalized.

2. Anulom Vilom (Nadi Shodhana or Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Anulom Vilom or Alternate Nostril may be regarded as an effective pranayama where the body can attain the balancing of energy currents. The practice of it encompasses simultaneous inhaling and exhaling by using alternate nostrils. Purifying the channels of energy relieves mental restlessness and ultimately leads to a calm mind and clarity in mental activity. It is great at reducing stress levels and reviving energy.

How to practice Anulom Vilom

1. Sit comfortably, keeping your spine erect and shoulders relaxed.

2. Close the right nostril by placing your thumb and inhale into the left nostril deeply with your right hand

3. Close your left nostril using your ring finger, open your right nostril, and blow slowly through your right nostril

4. Inhale through the right nostril, close it, and exhale through the left nostril

5. Repeat for 5 to 10 minutes, taking very smooth, controlled breaths.

Benefits of Anulom Vilom for Energy:

  • Balances the ratio of the left and right hemispheres of the brain, thus calming a man and his mind.
  • It probably assists a man in reducing worry and venturing into more emotional stability so that it becomes simpler to feel energetic and resonant.
  • It oxygenates the brain, thus helping improve concentration and intellect capabilities.

3. Ujjayi Pranayama (Ocean Breath)

One of the most commonly performed deep and controlled breathing techniques in vinyasa and Ashtanga yoga is often called the ocean breath" because of the ocean sound it makes. While inhaling, one carefully constricts the throat region to produce a soft, whisper-like sound. It not only energizes but also develops a sense of calmness and mental concentration.

How to Practice Ujjayi Pranayama:

1. Sit comfortably or stand up with your back as upright as possible.

2. Take breath in through the nose but keeping the back of the throat constricted in such a way that the air going in the nostrils makes a soft hissing sound, like the sea waves.

3. Expire in that constriction so that the sound goes on

4. Focus on the sound and sensation of the breath. You are trying to make each breath smooth and regular.

5. Practice for 5-10 minutes, allowing the breath to flow naturally while keeping the ocean-like sound.

Benefits of Ujjayi Pranayama for Energy:

  • Boosts oxygen that refreshes and rejuvenates the body.
  • Relaxes tension and decreases mental fatigue, ensuring calmness.
  • Focusing and concentrating energies that aid in keeping the person energized throughout the day.

4. Bhastrika (Bellows Breath)

Bhastrika, or bellows breath, is invigorating yoga breathing which involves powerful inhalation-exhalations through the nostrils. This latter action is similar to that of a bellows in a forge. Bhastrika increases prana, a life force energy in the body that clears all blockages in the energy channels and invigorates.

How to Practice Bhastrika

1. Sit comfortably with your spine straight and shoulders relaxed.

2. Breathe deeply through both nostrils with an up motion of the abdomen.

3. Breathe out powerfully through the nose by pulling your navels to the back of the spine.

Repeat this cycle of deep inhales and forceful exhales as fast as you can for 30-40 rounds. Sit comfortably afterward and notice what arises in your body. 

Bhastrika for Energy Benefits:

  • It can improve circulation and put life back in your body, giving you kick and energy.
  • Purifies the lungs; a person feels alive because of oxygenation.
  • Stimulation of the metabolism helps to digest aids and puts a spring in your step, and a person feels less weighed and energetic.

5. Bhramari (Bee Breath)

Bhramari, or bee breath, is a very calming yet energizing pranayama where one produces a hummic sound during exhaling. This relaxing exercise calms down the nervous system, decreases anxiety, and brings a sense of tranquility and energy. It is slightly paradoxical for it has been known to be really energizing, especially when done frequently.

How to Do Bhramari:

1. Sit comfortably with your back straight and close your eyes.

2. Pinch your fingers in your ears to eliminate the external sound.

3. Breathe in through your nostrils and make a soft buzzing sound as you hum out, such as a bee.

4. Now tune into the vibrations which travel down your head and your throat as you breathe.

5. Repeat for 5-10 rounds noticing how you can create a deep, steady sound.

Benefits of Bhramari for Energy:

  • It reduces tension and calms the nervous system in order to reach the natural energy state much more easily.
  • Increases concentration, as well as the ability to focus on one thing, by reducing thoughts in the mind.
  • Helps the blood flow and oxygenation for a feeling of vibrancy in the body


These five yoga breathing exercises shall introduce very effective differences to your day-to-day life with regard to energy, mental clarity, and total liveliness. Whether it is to start the day with a sharper mind, to get through a stressful day, or to fight fatigue, breath control or pranayama can revitalize your mind-body system. It would not only energize but also increase circulation, enhance the flow of oxygen, and regulate the energy centers in your body.

Start by adding one or two into your daily routine. Over time, you are bound to notice dramatic shifts in your mood and your energy, and your overall wellness will be advanced. So take a deep breath and start embracing your powers as breathe life into you; the body will thank you for it!

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